Thursday, 9 November 2006

I am back

Hi All,

I don't know whether any of you have me on your alerts anymore, but I thought I would come back and try start up my journal again.  I am doing my degree this year so I might not have time to visit you all.  But, I miss you all very much and would like very much to catch up again.  If any of you get my alert and others don't can you pass on my regards and maybe tell them I'm back!! Thanks.

This year I am studying collecting - so if any of you have collections or any of you know anyone who have blogs about their collections - let me know I would be so interested in anything you collect.

Its great to be back and I hope that I can share with all of you my degree year. I'm so sorry I didnt show you all the pics from my last years show but I didnt do very well and it got me down.  Didnt want to talk about it. But Im determined to make this year a success.

So all you collectors out there - get in touch!! Is there blogs for collectors?

Love Laine xxxxxxxxxxx



Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back my friend, have missed you.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to hear from you again lainey ,keep coming back to us even if you are busy ,how are the children and Hubby  ?   love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Lainey!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Laine I did get your alert ~ so look forward to hearing everything that you have been up to ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

really glad to have you back!
I've been busy while you were gone creating KAFKA
we have a forum and a community blog wher anyone can post.
You might want to ask over there

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back x

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back hun!!!  xxxx
I really don't know what to say!  LOL
luv ya,

Anonymous said...

welcome back!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Laine!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back lainey :-)  It's good to see ya xx  So sorry it didn't end well but I hope your degree will be much better ~ I like to collect bookmarks - whereever I go I have to get a bookmark ~ it's not something I take too seriously but I thought I'd let you know anyway xx


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Laine :o) :o) :o)
I don't know of any collector blogs, doesn't mean they're not out there though.  I used to collect pigs - not real ones, I should add! - but that was a long time ago!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Hi Laine, nice to see you back again! I've popped over every so often to see if you're back, well it's not far from Hastings to Brighton is it?! Lol! I have a collection of shot glasses, I added them allto an entry for the Photo Scavenger Hunt a while back. I'll find the entry if you like. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME! Glad you're back in J-Land. :)
Yes, there are blogs for collectors...but i don't know any.
I collect, but at random...too many different things: dolls, stuffe teddies, lots of knicknacks: angels/fairies, pigs, bears, carosel animals, & prob a few other things that escape me at the moment. I'm NOT a avid collector, only have a few in each collection...they have to "speak" to me.
Have a great week,