I want to express my thanks to all of you that commented on my last entry - I really appreciate your support. Its been brilliant how you have all stuck by me even though I havent given any of your journals any time lately. I've not been a very good journaling friend to you all - but you have all still been there for me. Thank you all so much.
My life seems very busy and hectic at the moment and I never seem to get a moment to myself. I hope to be back properly soon and catch up with you all. When I get a moment I will be putting my pictures of my show on to show you all.
Laine xxxx
You take care ,do what has to be done ,we'll be here ........Jan xx
u have been a good friend you have a life outside of this computer just like anyone else so i understand. Take care.
Take it easy and rest and then please put your pictures up. I will love to see them.
{{{Laine}}} Look forward to seeing the pictures
{{{Laine}}} Look forward to seeing the pictures
Laine really looking forward to seeing pictures of your show ~ Take care ~ Ally
I cant wait to see your pics hun,take it slow if you can,we know youre busy hun,try to relax at some time during the day xxzoexx
Hi ((((Laine)))) hope you're ok hon! Are you taking it easy?? I bet you're not! Missing you, chat soon? How was your holiday? Did you have a good time? I want to see pics!!!!! Take care my friend :-)
big hugs Debbie ~xxxxxxxxx~
ps this is my new link ~
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