Wednesday, 17 May 2006


Hello Everyone,

Thanks for all being so supportive.  I chatted with my Mum on the phone - she has one at the hospital.  She didnt want me to drive over and see her tomorrow - but I've arranged the children and the dog and Im going to go see her tomorrow!!  My Dad is really pleased Im coming - so am I!  She has to have an angiogram tomorrow - still dont know when they will let her home though. But Im so glad I will see her tomorrow.

Been a very busy day with all the phone calls and sorting out!!  Also on ebay I sold my first item!! I put it on for 9.99 and sold it for 21.50 - Im well pleased! I think I could become addicted to this ebay thing!

Im so sorry I am very behind with my alerts - I will catch up with you soon - just to let you know I really appreciate all your comments.

Laine xxx (Thought I would add this picture of me and my mum)


Anonymous said...

I don't think the pic is scarey at all!! It's a lovely one! Hope your mum is OK when you see her tomorrow. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Hope your mum comes through the angiogram ok tomorrow. Have a safe trip going to see her. I think that is a great picture of you and your Mum. Helen

Anonymous said...

Good news about Mum... I know she will be fine so take your time going to see her and be safe!  Great picture!!  Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well with your visit....and your mind is at rest.
Lovely Picture of you both...can see the likeness...
Drive carefully!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are going to see you Mum today ~ be nice if they let her home while you are there ~ Drive carefully ~
Well done on ebay ~ and the pic of you and you Mum is great ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Give your mum a hug from me.........hope she is okay. love Joan

Anonymous said...

by gum las you look like your mum was that Sims2?

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely picture of you and your mum and I hope the visiting went well.  So glad you went to see her xx

Anonymous said...

A beautiful picture of you and your mother!!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you a bright weekend ahead! Prayers for sure!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to drop in and say 'hello' after reviewing my 'art' journal and seeing your comment.    I went to school at Southern Illinois University U.S.A. and I am still a senior without a diploma.   I treasure the time I went to school (last time in about 1980) and I am 54 years old.  I believe you should show your artwork to your journal readers.    We appreciate that you would take the time to do so.   I have been working on my home construction of late and am having some problems with my back.   My asperations as an artist are still full of antisipation of having the area of my home to devote to it.   Love what you do and do what you love!   My best wishes to you and I  hope to be in contact with you even though my journal is being used only infrequently due to my commitment to the home construction.    mark