Wednesday, 17 May 2006

Thank you

I want to say thank you to everyone for yesterday for all your kind comments and emails!  You are all really very kind.  I really appreciate it alot.

My mum is much much better today - so thats good news - they are still keeping her in to do more tests - she has moved to a much nicer and brighter ward.  I hope to go and see her tomorrow.  She doesnt want me to go to any trouble but I will try as I want to see her myself.  She said she would rather I came at the weekend - so I will see what my Dad says when I ring him tonight.  Anyway, at least she out of the pain and only now has to wait for tests to be done.

Thanks to Stuart he found my link for ebay so here it is Elaine's items on ebay! Our Stuart is so clever!!!

Right I better get on with some work - really neglected it lately - been alot going on!!! Im really worried that I wont get it finished in time.

Take care,


That's what I feel like!!!!! Im really tired!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad your Mum is feeling better. Helen

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mum is feeling better and has moved to a brighter ward. She was probably put on MASU first, the Medical Assesment Surgical Unit, it has no windows and is so gloomy! I hope she'll be out soon and you get ypour work done on time! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Hi! Laine...glad you are feeling a little better, and your Mum is more comfortable.
If you can get to see will feel better about things.
Not long now until 'Friday'
Take care

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you are exhausted and I am so very happy to hear your mother is doing better. Rest now and take it easy!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you sound a little brighter today. Glad your mom is more comfortable.
God Bless, SUGAR

Anonymous said...

Iam so pleased your Mum is alot better now I hope she continues to improve ,.........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mum's better - hope she gets the test results soon xx I shall go and check out your ebay items ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lainey, Glad things are better for you today. Keep smiling love Gill x