Sunday, 7 May 2006

my kids

Tonight I thought I would do an entry about my two boys Sam and Joe.  First Sam - i will talk about Joe tomorrow. As you know I also have three wonderful step-children, Emma, James and Chris. One day I will do a post about them too.  But tonight its dedicated to my two boys.

Sam (12) - Sam is my first born - bless him such a lovely boy - never ever any trouble - always willing to help - never moans - never quarrels (well he does with his brother!!).  He was born in 1993 - Had quite an easy birth as I had an epidural - bliss!!! hee hee - I went into labour quite quickly and the pain was unbearable so they agreed to put the epidural in. Anyway 10 hours after they had put it in out came Sam - was a bit worried at first as he was stressed with such a hard birth - they used venteouse in the end (dont know how to spell that) its a kind of sucker they put on the baby's head!! Both me and Sam were very tired by the end so needed a little help.  Anyway, he was fine in the end and a very big bouncy baby boy at 9 pounds 1 ounce!!  He certainly was hungry and couldnt feed off me so unfortunately I had to put him on a bottle.  My friends were always envious of such a good baby - he hardly ever cried!  He was so good. As a toddler he was a delight - always happy and always chatting - when I read to him at night - at the age of 2 he would know if I missed any words out!!  when Sam was 9 months old he had severe asthma and bronchial attacks - it was so scary and he had to go the Royal Alex (Brighton) quite often.  By the time he was 5 he was grown out of it!!When Sam started school I was so proud of him - 5 years old - dressed in his red sweater and looking very smart - awwww I didnt want my baby to leave me.  He was so ready for school though - and he thoroughly enjoyed it - I used to go and help out at his school - my Mum had Joe for me.  Sam has grown up to be a lovely boy - the teachers at his schools have always loved teaching him and always say he is a pleasure to teach.  He is very popular with his school mates and is always kind and helpful.  I always feel like crying with pride when I hear such comments.  Sam is very intelligent and always excelling at school - even though he is in year 7 he is actually doing year 9 work!!! So so proud of my boy Sam.

Laine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

thats the type of kid i want to have lol

Anonymous said...

What a lovely looking boy ,I'm not sure how he is going to handle all this admiration though lol ..well done clever boy .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Laine I can just tell how proud of him you are ~ and so you should be of course ~ he is a credit to you ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

He sounds a great son to have. Glad the staff at the Alex could help him, you must have stopped coming up just when I started there! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely tribute to your lovely Sam. What a handsome boy.  I know how proud you are, it comes through your words and how wonderful he is doing so well at school.

Anonymous said...

Sam is a very handsome young man! TY for sharing with us, can't wait to hear about Joe too! :)

Anonymous said...

And so you should be Laine ~ handsome, clever, no moaning and always willing to help :-) A lovely photo too :-) He is in the same year at school as Kaylee. Looking forward to hearing all about Joe now! Thanks for sharing, he's gorgeous :-)
lots of love Debbie ~xxx~