Monday, 8 May 2006

My Joe

I told you all about Sam yesterday now is the turn of my second born Joe. Bless him!! Joe has been a little bundle of trouble ever since I fell pregnant with him.  When Joe decided to be born – he did so very quickly!!  I just about got to the hospital and as soon as they got me on a bed – he literally shot out!! I was complaining like mad as I wanted an epidural and they wouldn’t give it me – I was convinced I couldn’t do it without painkillers but I did!  Anyway Joe was born quick but the placenta decided not to come at all!  So even though I had Joe naturally I had to go to surgery to deliver the placenta – ended up have an epidural and a general anaesthetic!!


Joe was cold when he was born so had to be put in an incubator for a while to warm him up so I couldn’t hold him when I came round from my op – he also couldn’t be breast fed as he needed warm milk quite frequently.  When we got him home – just after 5 days he had really bad jaundice so was up the Royal Alex having to have blood tests – he was so tiny onl y 7 pounds 2 oz and they had such trouble getting the blood out – I found it hard to bear.  Joe would not drink from the bottle properly – we tried all the teats in Boots!!! Joe would not potty train – I thought he would be in nappies forever! Joe would never go to sleep!! Joe was a lovely cute little kid – always smiling and always making us laugh but he was hard work and still is.  My friends said that now I got my comeuppance! I sure did!  Bless him from the ages of 1 to 2 he didn’t grow! Me and the health visitor monitored his growth and convinced the Doctors something was wrong – anyway after loads of tests later he wasfinally diagnosed as growth hormone deficient. He is now treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London and is doing fantastically well!!!


Awww bless my Joe – he has put up with a lot since he has been born – he is hard work though sometimes!  I think we both clash! He rubs me up the wrong way and I do him – but then the next minute we are the best of pals.  He still is my baby and loves to cuddle – he will still hold my hand and he is ten!! I don’t want him to ever stop being my little boy!!  Joe hates school work – he would much rather be playing football or playing his guitar. He still does well at school though – he is usually in the middle groups – not bad not excellent but he tries hard.


That's all about my Joe - well I could say loads about him but it would be a huge entry!! LOL.


Hope you are all well and have a good week - Im on my own tonight - John away! Boo hoo. Missing him already.


Love Laine xxxx



Anonymous said...

Laine thanks for that entry ~ lovely learning about Joe's start in life ~ He has had a lot to put up with in his young life ~ but am so pleased things are going well for him now ~ Middle group at school is good ~ naturally he loves football most boys do ~ nice to know he likes playing his guitar ~ It's a lovely picture of him and 'Oscar' ~ so cute ~
did I get your dogs name right lol ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Oooh Laine ~ my placenta got stuck with Callum ~ gross isn't it!!! then they gave me penicillan which i'm totally allergic too OMG!!! nightmare! The things we go through to have our little darlings. And what a total darling Joe is!!! So lovely and he's been through such a lot but GOSH are great, aren't they? They will take good care of him and see him allright I'm sure. And he still holds your hand, ahhh so sweet. Big hugs all round :-) IM tonight if I'm on and you're bit fed up and lonely ~ I'll have a chat with you :-)
lotsa love Deb ~xxx~

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks for sharing this he is a cutie though dont tell him Isaid so ...he has had a tough start but with the help of the dear lord guiding the very clever staff at GOSH he will fine now ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Joe sounds one tough little guy having to go through what he has and how lovely he still wants to hold your hand.  You have very handsome sons.  Thank you for sharing something of them with us.

Anonymous said...

 What a nice looking boy.  I had one like that also.  Keeps you on your toes and believe me, your miss it when their grown.


Anonymous said...

Joe's a good looking little boy, I guess you were on Nicholson, the baby ward with him at the Alex. I love going in there and seeing all the tiny babies!! Hope he gets on well at GOSH. Jeannette xx