Sunday, 7 May 2006

Hi everyone,
Today I posted about tags from Dianna and Diama (Cherry) - Dianna posted the comments below - so you all know that her rules are simple about her tags and she doesnt ask you to give her a mention - even though some people who make tags do.
In addition I don't ask for a link back or a mention although some do. My rules are simple and on my sidebar ~ Dianna
Comment from sazzylilsmartazz - 07/05/06 18:21

Please be advised that they can have as many tags as they want as long as the tags are not marked expired. The tags marked expired are in the archives anyway. Just thought I'd clear that one up.
Comment from sazzylilsmartazz - 07/05/06 18:18

So thanks Dianna for letting me know that!! xxxxx
Laine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

My stuff expire i cant keep stuff on my computer as it is i need room so when i do make the tags and send them to the people i delete that tag.

Anonymous said...

As you know from visiting my journals, I get tags from both the gifted ladies you mentioned! I love them, along with several others! I try & do a "credits",  listing ALL of the artists I use, once a week, usually in a paragraph of one of my entries.
Our journals would be so dull if not for them! They bring J-Land to life!

Anonymous said...

Glad it is all so clear. Thanks for posting