I've been talking to Dianna today about Castles and Princesses and how lovely it would be to be eight again and dress up all in pink and glitter and have a lovely Princess themed room! Aww and how lovely wouldn't it be girls to be swept off our feet by a handsome prince on horse back!! LOL.
Well Dianna, bless her heart, sent me this gorgeous tag - i just had to show you all.
Isnt it just beautiful!!!
Also today I was really proud of myself and I have actually listed an item on Ebay!! yee ha It took ages to put on!!! Well I will see how that goes then I might start selling some more stuff.
Take care and I hope you are all having a good weekend.
Laine xxx
sazzy is a great tagger.
Very cute tag!
Hope your weekend is going well!
Hugs, Sugar
Oooo that's what I need to be swept of my feet by a handsome prince lol superb tag though it's very beautiful!! Let me know how your ebay thingy gets on - I've been thinkin' about putting some stuff on there myself!!
Dianna makes great tags, she's a lovely person too. Hope you manage to sell the stuff on ebay. Jeannette xx
Do you mean you have to be eight to dress up in pink glittery things !!!!!!!!!! Whenever I think of men on horseback for some reason the only bloke that pops up in my mind is John Wayne.....enough said I think :-) The graphic is beautiful Laine.....Dianna is obviously very talented :-) Wasn't a spare MP3 player you put on ebay by any chance was it ??????? LOL Hope you're having a great weekend hon
HUGS Debbie ~xxxxxxxxx~
Dianna does wonderful work! Our bug has the princess theme going and she is 3... I hope she never grows out of it. Always nice to have a dream.......
Pretty tag. Good luck on your ebay listing. Helen
I didn't know the tag was so large. LOL Hey, I'm 27 and would love to visit one of your castles in the UK and DRESS the part. Do you guyz in the UK love the lengends of King Arthur as much as I do? I guess I'm just a romantic at heart.
Graphic is lovely ~ Never done much on e~bay you make it sound exciting hope you start selling the item you listed ~ and put lots more on ~ Ally
OOhh I know i wanted to be a pricess when I was little,hmm but i ended up as a tomboy climbing trees etc,ooer missus lol never mind,love zoe xx
Oh I know exactly what you mean!
I visited the Tower of London with my cousin a couple of years ago and couldn't help thinking that if I was the Queen, I would close it for a day and prance around in one of those beautiful gowns, and of course a big Queenie crown :o)
Sara x
Getting to old to be a princess lol .yes what a lovely graphic....Jan xx
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