Today Im sharing with you this beautiful tag made for me by Dianna at Sazzy Kreationz . Click on her link and visit - Im sure you will love all the beautiful tags she makes. As long as you don't demand too much and please give her a mention in your journal with a thank you!, Im sure she would make you a tag. I just want you to know Dianna how much I appreciate the tags you make for me!
While Im talking about creations - we have another clever girl in our journal land - Cherry! Infact Cherry I havent visited your tag site lately - I should!!! Here folks is another very creative girl - try giving her a visit at Chocolate Cherried Creations. Again Cherry would appreciate it if you didnt just snag her tags or not say thank you or anything if she goes to the trouble of making one for you. I think its very important not to take our creative girls for granted!!!!
Here is a tag Cherry did for me a while ago - its probably not available now but it gives you an idea of how talented she is!!!! Go girl!!!
That's my entry today dedicated to Dianna and Cherry.
Love Lainexxxx
Dianna and Diama (Cherry) are both very talented. There are so many out there who are so generous to do these for us. Our journals would be so dull if they weren't there to brighten them up! Jeannette xx
Ido agree the work these girls do is admirable and as Jeannette says our journals do benefit from their talents ...........Jan xx
I agree with the last two somments they really are so talented ~ Ally
Beautiful tags. There are some very talented people out there.
Just stopped by to visit your journal and enjoyed my stay.
Thanks lainey and u do need to come by im frustrated with you!! lol u havent been to see me in a while.
Yes, I have been to both those sites, they are some very talented people out there and we owe them so much for making our journals look so bright and cheery.
Please be advised that they can have as many tags as they want as long as the tags are not marked expired. The tags marked expired are in the archives anyway. Just thought I'd clear that one up.
In addition I don't ask for a link back or a mention although some do. My rules are simple and on my sidebar ~ Dianna
Thank you for the journal links, both have awesome journals! Very talented, they are.
Anywho...i just wanted to stop by and say hi! And that i love your journal!!
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