Thursday, 23 March 2006


Hi everyone,

Well Im still feeling a bit down - not as bad as the other day - but I suppose down is the wrong word - maybe anxious is better. Im anxious that Im not going to get all my work done in time for the exhibition. Im anxious that John's job might not be good and that we have a huge debt now with the new car!!!. Suppose its always hard when life changes and it's a risk! Let's hope it works out ok.

Anyway, my trouble at college is that my tutor found me a room (well sort of long cupboard) for my installation - I moved all my stuff yesterday into the space then today moved it all out again!! Sonja was the tutor today and she agreed with me that the space just wasnt right!! But then that means that I either have to build another one in college somewhere, or get a shed and put it in the playground or just make do with this cupboard - i mean I could make it look good but I have a bad feeling when Im in there! Wierd!!!  Anyway Im off to look at sheds with John in a mo and maybe i could go that way - more expense though - but this is my major show and it's taken me three years to get here! I dont want to just make do!!!!

Will let you know how Im getting on - also got some more pics to post later.

Laine xxxxxxx



Anonymous said...

No wonder your abit down at the minute ,you've got a lot of what ifs going on in your life at the moment ,try not to spoil your big adventure ,life is a risk ,and if you stick together you will make it work ,your both young ,its no good getting old and saying ,wish we'd tried it .Go for it !........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You do have a lot to contend with at the moment Laine ~ but life does change  ~ John has made his choice and thought carefully before making his decision ~ and I wish him all the best in his new Job ~ Hope you sort your space out at college I am sure you will think of something ~ I do hope the college can find you a bigger and better space without you having to resort to buying a shed ~ as this is so important for you ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

You are having a lot of changes at the moment....I would be very anxious as well ( I am anyway, but changes make it worse!!) Try and take it easy over the weekend........I'm sure John's new job will be fine, the first few days will be the worst! Blimey, I would say the bad feeling is claustrophobia!!! You need to be happy in your space.....get a shed!!

Anonymous said...

interesting.........sheds I mean...........;)

Anonymous said...

oh everyone feels that type of pressure when they have something very important to do its a natural feeling you will get it done :)

Anonymous said...

Changes do make some of us Anxious!...hope it all goes well for you.
Best Wishes to John in his new job...
Pity you couldn't have joined him tomorrow, and made it here for Lunch(lol)

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should go with the space if it isn't feelin' right!!  Hope you manage to find somewhere though.  Hope your anxiousness will leave soon :-)

Anonymous said...

Change stresses all of us in one way or another. I have to hand it to you. Going back to school at age 40 is hard and you are doing it. So, with the understanding that you are doing something that awesome take into account there is going to be associated stress.
You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Making my weekly trip through J-Land, stopping to say hi. Best wishes to John with his job. Stress can upset all of us in one way or another, just hang in there my friend!
Have a good wkend! ;0)