Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well and that all you Brits enjoyed our Bank Holiday weekend - even though the weather was a bit naff!! Typical!!
We had a lovely weekend, had a lovely meal out last night for Emma's birthday - everyone enjoyed themselves and it was nice to be altogether!

Right so I've got to get on with my art work!! Now interview is out of the way its now time to concentrate! Sorry I havent posted anymore of my essay - if anyone wants a copy can you request it in comments and I will email it to you as its so hard to post it on here! Thanks!
Right Ive got alot to sort out over the next five weeks. Ive got images to print, walls to make!, sounds to find, and lighting to put up! Also a curtain to make! I only have 5 weeks I think?
But............... there is always a fly in the ointment isnt there!!! My little Joe (he isnt the fly by the way) has an appointment to go to hospital on 22nd May - right when I'm gonna be my busiest but he comes first!!!

I will explain about Joe. He is growth hormone deficient ( I might have said before). His pituitary gland never formed properly in the womb and hence he has alot of problems with hormones. The main one being growth (the lack of!) he has an injection everyday of growth hormone to solve this and he is doing really well with that! Im pleased to say!
Now it is time to look at his sex hormones (bless him). He has what they call an HCG test (put the link to explain if your interested). Anyway, he is being admitted for tests on 22nd May (Monday) - we have to be in the ward by 10am!! (Thats London!) So will have to get the train about 7am!!! We will spend the day in Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) having blood tests and he will have the hcg injection. Then on the Tuesday and Wednesday of that week he will see our Doctor for further injections. Then on Thursday of that week we are back up to GOSH for all day tests and another injection. Then for two weeks with our doctor several injections then we go back up for final consultation. Hopefully in those three weeks he should start puberty - poor lad he wont know whether he is coming or going!! Nor will I!!!
It's a very important time for me in my course but even more important time in Joe's life!! My tutor was really good and said that if I left instructions they would put my show up for me! How lovely is that!!!
Anyway, I havent told Joe a thing about it yet - what's the point in him worrying about it now really. He hates all these tests - he never gets used to them even though he has had them all his life - bless him! one brave little boy there!
Right better go now and get on with some work!
Love Laine xxxx

Another lovely tag by Sazzy Kreationz - thanks Dianna.xx